Air Quality And Dust Management Plan (AQDMP)

A comprehensive AQDMP will ensure that dust is minimised during the construction project and will reduce complaints about dust.

Air Quality is a subject which more and more planning authorities are becoming sensitive to and construction is an activity which can have a significant impact on this.

As a result of this planners nowadays, are very conscious of this impact and therefore, they are now frequently asking for an Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) to be submitted as a condition of the planning permission and required to be discharged prior to commencement of works.

An AQDMP takes into account the effect of Dust on the Air Quality surrounding a construction site and therefore the mitigating methods that are required to be put into place in order to reduce that effect.

WPSCC can compile an AQDMP to discharge the Planning condition.

Contact Us about Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP)

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