Air Quality And Dust Risk Assessment (AQDRA)

What is included in a risk assessment ?

Many Planners will require an Air Quality and Dust Risk Assessment (AQDRA) to be carried out prior to works commencing on a construction site, in order to assess the possible impact on the surrounding area and its inhabitants and to ensure the developer implements any mitigation measures identified as necessary by the Assessment.

An AQDRA can be a stand alone document, or it can be specified to be included within an Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP).

An AQDRA assesses the effect of dust on “Sensitive Receptors” in the vicinity of the site. These include schools, hospitals, playgrounds, residences, shops, etc.

An AQDRA utilises a statutory methodology to determine the risk level of a construction site and according to the results defines the mitigation measures that are required to be implemented.


WPS Compliance Consulting can compile an AQDRA to discharge the Planning condition.

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