Construction Phase
Construction Phase
What documents might your project need?
Some of the Planning Conditions imposed on a development within the Planning Permission, could include a range of items that affect the Construction Phase of a project (particularly in the GLA). WPSCC has been assisting in the compliance of these for a number of years, some from their outset.
Monitoring (Noise and Dust)
We have our own sepecialist acoustician who can carry out Noise and Dust monitoring for the duration of your project.
Fors & CLOCS
Primarily for the GLA we will ensure your project remains compliant with the Fors & CLOCS regulations.
NRMM Registration & Compliance
We will assist and guide you through the registration and compliance procedures required to satisfy this requirement of the GLA.
Contact Us about Construction Phase
Recent News & Case Studies
Watson and Cox
The Upton Dairy project started in November 2009 and completed in July 2010. It involved part conversion and part new build of a business park at Upton Estate, Upton Dairy in Banbury, Oxfordshire.
Recent News & Case Studies
Watson and Cox
The Upton Dairy project started in November 2009 and completed in July 2010. It involved part conversion and part new build of a business park at Upton Estate, Upton Dairy in Banbury, Oxfordshire.
Environmental Permitting Standard Rules: Insights from Consultation No. 25
The Government recently consulted with stakeholders to obtain their views on proposed changes to standard rules permits with a summary of their responses published on 31st July 2024.
Construction (Environmental) Management Plans C(E)MPs
Construction (Environmental) Management Plans, C(E)MPs, are documents that are produced as part of planning applications.