Construction Waste Management – Diversion of Resources from Landfill (BREEAM Wst01.2)

These BREEAM credits were originally satisfied by producing a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) for a project. However, it is now 1 element of a Site Resource Management Plan (SRMP), combining waste management with the measuring/monitoring of site impacts.

What Is Required for Waste Management Practices?

      > Forecasting waste production

      > Documenting Waste Minimisation practices to be employed

      > Recording ALL waste arisings

      > Reviewing waste management performance by comparing actual arisings against forecasts

      > Documenting satisfaction of Waste Duty of Care (DOC) compliance

      > Implementation of the Waste Hierarchy to identify reuse/recycle/disposal performance, showing tonnages and percentages of waste diverted from landfill

WPSCC’s software tool can include the recording of this data and will report is as part of the SWMP/ SRMP.


Why WPSCC For Waste?

WPSCC was founded to specialise in Construction Waste Management following the introduction of the Site Waste Management Plan regulations in 2008, therefore it was an obvious progression to apply our knowledge and experience to achieving the BREEAM credits for Waste Management. In 2012 Lara (our M.D.) was awarded Outstanding Woman in Construction for her achievement in Diverting Waste From Landfill!

What Is The WPSCC Process?

Each month we collect the data using the most efficient methodology for your project, e.g. this could be transparent by obtaining data directly from you Waste Contractor (possibly via their portal). We then update the SWMP/SRMP using SitePlan and issue an updated copy of the Plan so that your Site / Project manager always has the most up to date revision. If you are maintaining a hard copy folder on site, we will guide you as to which page numbers to replace.

At the end of the project, we will complete the Review process and produce a Final copy of the Plan for the BREEAM Assessor.

What Is SitePlan?

SitePlan is WPSCC’s online compliance tool for producing comprehensive, compliant SWMPs / SRMPs. Originally known as WastePlan when developed, to ensure clients’ SWMPs were compliant with regulatory requirements, it has been continuously enhanced and developed to maintain compliance for BREEAM accreditation.

The Waste Duty of Care regulations are automatically satisfied, and BREEAM Waste credits are calculated dynamically. It has been designed to be quick and easy to use with some great data entry time saving processes.

It will save you both time and money when used and the pricing is totally flexible – buy a licence for 1 project only, or for a number of projects during a year and all whilst giving you 24/7 access to all of your information.

How Can WPSCC Help?

Whether you are working towards BREEAM 2014 or BREEAM 2018, we can help you achieve the credits you require. Managing the process and liaising with the Assessor can save you both time and stress. We start by analysing the credits selected by the Assessor to ensure the most cost-effective solution is selected and then ensure all the required evidence is collected and collated in the format required by the Assessor. Whether you are required to achieve “Good”, “Very Good” or “Excellent”, WPSCC can help ease you through the process to achieve the required credits.


> Our goal is to help you to achieve your goals with our flexibility of service offerings and delivery
> We will do our job without hindering you from doing yours’
> WPSCC has the privilege of consistently working with many exciting clients and will continue to develop and diversify to ensure its ever changing client needs are satisfied to the highest standards possible.

Contact Us about Construction Waste Management- Diversion of Resources from Landfill (BREEAM Wst01.2)

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