Meet The Founder


My ethos is to make a difference for my clients and the environment.

Lara’s passion for WPS and what it stands for is infectious. Within 12 months of trading she was known as ‘The Queen of Green’ and you only have to take a look at her qualifications and background, the recognition that she has received and her vision for the future to realise why!

Lara’s ethos is to ‘make a difference’ and this applies to every aspect of the business and its effect on people and the environment.

A snapshot into her past reveals a Masters in Environmental Management and working experience with the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) and the Building Research Establishment (BRE).

Over the last 10 years with WPS she has received recognition through a variety of awards, has published several papers and for several years has been lecturing at a number of universities.

In addition, she has developed WPS into the company it is today and has surrounded herself with a team of people she believes in and trusts to share her ethos.

Lara’s intention for the future of WPS is simple – to continue making a difference and by growing WPS to increase the scope of that difference.

Click here to connect with Lara on her LinkedIn home page.

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