Minimising Impact On The Existing Site Ecology (BREEAM LE03)

What is the aim of BREEAM LE03?

The aim of this credit is to minimise the impact of a building development on the existing site ecology.  It requires the use of a mitigation hierarchy when considering the impact of a development’s site preparation and construction on the existing ecological features. This hierarchy is as follows:-

  1. Avoidance
  2. Protection
  3. Reduction or limitation of negative impacts.
  4. On-site compensation.
  5. Enhancement, considering the capacity and feasibility within the site, or where viable, offsite.

A suitably qualified ecologist will need to be appointed in the early stages of the project to assess any impacts and produce a report.

WPSCC can assist you in obtaining this credit. 

Contact Us about Minimising Impact on the Existing Site Ecology (BREEAM LE03)

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