When you request that WPS compiles a Permit Variation Application for you, our first action is to carry out a Scoping Exercise. You can watch this video to see more about this. We do this to determine:
The most radical Permit Variation is obviously the Surrender of a Permit and we are pleased to confirm that we are also able to satisfy this requirement for you, should you need it.
Here at WPS we are extremely confident in our ability to provide this service, because, amongst other things, our M.D. lectures in the subject at degree level at universities and we employ ex-Environmental Agency staff!
As an example, should a waste operating company wish to change an element of their operation, such as expanding the waste types being processed, they must apply to the Environment Agency for a Permit Variation.
WPSCC provides flexible support, from offering guidance to managing the total completion of the Permit Variation application, including liaison with the Environment Agency.
Stay legal and call us today to find out whether you need an Environmental Permit and if so, which one?
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