s106 Management & Reporting

How can WPSCC help?

Section 106 Conditions

More and more councils are imposing conditions on construction projects regardless of the size of the project or whether it is commercial or domestic.

In London the majority of construction projects are subject to Section 106 conditions, but each borough may vary their requirements. For example, one borough may be very insistent on a local procurement strategy and plan as well as a local labour strategy and plan, whilst another may require a specific number of weeks of training / work experience / apprenticeships for local young people to be provided. Fines may be imposed if targets are not met and there is no evidence to support achievement.

Planning Conditions

Every planning authority has their own agenda in relation to areas of concern, therefore they impose many varying conditions.

Examples of this variance are:-

Planning conditions may also impose a minimum BREEAM accreditation standard and Considerate Constructor Scheme achievement level.

Whatever the conditions imposed, WPSCC’s experienced waste management consultants can assist. We work with many councils / boroughs / planning authorities in London (where the conditions are most stringent) and throughout the country, regularly communicating with them to gain an understanding of their requirements and how they want information and evidence presented.

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Making a difference everyday to our clients’ lives and the environment with our unique approach to solving their compliance challenges.

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