Site Impacts – Energy, Water, Carbon, Waste (SWMP)
Although no longer a legal requirement, SWMPs are still a necessity for obtaining the Wst 01 BREEAM Credit. They can also be required as conditions for planning applications. As a comprehensive forecast, monitoring, and review tool, SWMPs/Site Resource Management Plans (SRMPs) are an integral part of sustainable construction management.
What Does BREEAM MAN03 Credit Require?
As part of the BREEAM Man03 credits requires site transport data to be recorded and analysed. This data includes:
> Deliveries To Site
> Waste Disposal
The resulting information should identify:
> Total Fuel Consumption (Litres)
> Total CO₂ Emissions (Kg CO₂-Eq)
> Total Distance Travelled (Miles)
How Can WPSCC Help?
Here at WPSCC, we are experts in waste. Using our exclusive, self-developed site resource management software, SitePlan, we have been producing SWMPs/SRMPs for more than a decade. With a range of cost-effective, flexible process options available, we can always find a methodology to suit your individual needs.
We offer a choice of methodologies:
> Full Management – We do everything!! We will collect data monthly, compile waste and delivery notes, carry out all the Duty of Care obligations and more. We will also wrap everything up at project end (Review) and provide you with all you need to satisfy the BREEAM requirements.
> Partial Management – A hybrid partnership between us and you, we will manage aspects of the SWMP/ SRMP, whilst you handle others.
> SitePlan – We set you up and provide training on SitePlan, and off you go. Flexible, cost-effective Plans are available, either on a project-by-project basis, or as an annual licence fee.
Protecting The Environment:
SWMPs help you to protect the environment by reducing waste and sending less material to landfill. Reducing waste can also result in less fly-tipping, lower energy use, and an increase in recycling. By managing your waste responsibly, your carbon footprint will be reduced.
The amount and type of waste will be assessed, as well as factors such as the value, volume, and weight of the waste, all obtained from Waste Transfer Notes (WTNs). The SWMP will be updated accordingly and state ways in which the waste produced on site can be minimised.
A Pollution Prevention Checklist is filled out during a SWMP site visit, where factors such as storage and handling of oils, chemicals and other risky materials are highlighted. Also, site drainage will be addressed, as an up-to-date drainage plan and correct site drainage procedures are necessary.
Increasing Profitability:
SWMPs can save you money – better storage and handling makes it easier for materials to be recovered, and reusing materials cuts your disposal costs as well as the initial cost of materials.
Improving Your Reputation:
SWMPs help you to dispose of your waste legally and avoid prosecution. You will also be able to prove your environmental performance and enhance your reputation, giving you an edge over competitors and enabling you to acquire new business.
Overall, SWMPs are designed to increase environmental awareness and promote responsibility, making construction workers think about their waste and make conscientious choices regarding the materials they use.
As of 2013, SWMPs are no longer a legal requirement for new construction projects. However, they are still requirements for BREEAM and may be asked for by Local Authorities or Clients. Contractors often also view them as an environmentally friendly initiative, that demonstrates best practice.
How Does SitePlan Work?
SitePlan is an online tool that generates SWMPs/SRMPs using data input by either ourselves or you, the client. It will forecast waste arisings, provide opportunities for waste minimisation, and report waste and carbon generation, all in one place. It will also automatically calculate BREEAM credits based on floor area and waste volumes. At the end of a project the Review process analyses performance against targets in terms of both resource and cost.
> Our goal is to help you to achieve your goals with our flexibility of service offerings and delivery
> We will do our job without hindering you from doing yours’
> WPSCC has the privilege of consistently working with many exciting clients and will continue to develop and diversify to ensure its ever changing client needs are satisfied to the highest standards possible