Waste Site Audits

How good are your Waste Disposal Contractors? Do you know?

WPS will conduct a compliance check of each waste disposal contractor you use (as part of your Waste Audit), but more importantly, we can also conduct a Waste Site Audit for each disposal site your contractors are using.

Primarily this Audit will confirm, or otherwise, that your waste is being handled correctly and within the limitations of that Site’s Environmental Permit, which dictates which waste streams they can accept and how much waste they can accept.

The outcome of a Waste Site Audit:

  • Will highlight any non-compliances
  • Could identify savings in your waste disposal costs

Making a difference everyday to our clients’ lives and the environment with our unique approach to solving their compliance challenges.

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How Does a SWMP Work?

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How does a SWMP work? This image shows an exacavator loading demolition waste into a tipper

How Does a SWMP Work?

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