Project Information
DDC Ltd originally contacted WPSCC in 2016 because they were struggling to get a Construction Management Plan (CMP) accepted by the Planning Department of a London Borough. They needed some help with the Noise Dust and Vibration (NDV) section, and they were extremely impressed when we achieved success for them within a very short timescale. They were so impressed, in fact, that the next time they needed a CMP they came straight to us and we completed it successfully and expeditiously. Since then we have completed several more CMPs, Construction Environmental Plans (CEMPs) and Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs), including Swept Path Analysis drawings for them, and when necessary we have liaised with various Planning Departments on their behalf.
Our Story
Proving that we could produce the Noise Dust and Vibration part of a Construction Management Plan and achieve acceptance by a notoriously strict London Borough in a very short time gave DDC confidence in our abilities. We have always responded quickly to their requests, knowing how urgent it is to satisfy planning conditions, and any amendments needed have been turned around very quickly too. A prompt response and service ensures projects remain on schedule. As the majority of DDC’s projects have been with London Boroughs our ability to liaise with the Councils has been useful, as this has ensured that the clear and accurate definition of requirements is always achieved. Now, when they need a report writing for planning purposes, it has become natural for them to contact us. They have the confidence that we can produce what is required, cost-effectively and in a timely fashion.
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