What Is A Pre Demolition Audit?

The purpose of a pre demolition audit is to reduce the environmental impact of construction by prioritising waste minimisation and diverting waste from landfills. They identify opportunities for reclamation, re-use and recycling from the demolition process. What Is A Pre Demolition Audit? The Pre Demolition methodology/approach was defined by The Institute of Civil Engineers (The […]
Environmental Management System
Whatever you want, from a simple Environment Policy to full blown EMS, we can do it. We will even simply audit what you have and recommend improvements. Also, everything can be branded to your requirements. What does an EMS do? An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a systematic approach that helps organisations identify, manage, monitor, […]
Environmental Permitting
Recent News & Case Studies Environmental Permitting When Do I Need A Permit? If a permit is required, an Application has to be submitted to either the Environment Agency or the Local Authority. You may need an environmental permit if you carry out an activity that could: > Pollute the air, water, […]
Waste Classification
Waste Classification Waste Classification is an important step in making your business safe and legal. Any waste you dispose of will need proper classification. We can help with this process. Waste Classification Services refer to specialised services offered to help organisations properly classify and manage their waste materials. Waste classification involves determining the type, composition, […]
Exemption Registration
Do you actually need to pay for a permit? Operators, landowners and developers often need to register an exemption for low-risk waste activities, such as waste storage, for instance receiving inert waste. This negates the need to manage the activity under an Environmental Permit and its associated costs. Important Update: Waste Exemptions are undergoing changes […]
Water Management Plans
Why Do You Need A Water Management Plan? Water monitoring and management is becoming essential for construction sites, with respect to achieving targets under the Considerate Constructors Scheme. WPSCC has developed an extremely efficient water monitoring methodology for construction sites, which has a history of acceptance by many organisations. Results are represented graphically, as well as in […]
Waste Audit Including Duty Of Care Checks
Are you aware of your responsibilities regarding the disposal of the waste you produce? Do you have the correct information / documents to satisfy ISO9001 / ISO14001 requirements? WPS will conduct a Waste Audit for you, which will include: Auditing your waste storage prior to collection Checking any waste segregation that’s taking place We will […]
NRMM Registration
What is the NRMM Low Emission Zone (LEZ)? The Greater London Authority has introduced strict standards to reduce emissions of pollutants from Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) carrying out construction and demolition activities. This new GLA Standard caps emissions for both nitrogen oxide and particulate matter, and applies to all NRMM with a power rating between 37KW and 560KW. The […]
Local Procurement Strategies
Why Do You Need To Put Local Procurement Strategies In Place? A procurement strategy can be part of a planning constraint. In London specifically, it is part of the s106 agreement and WPSCC ensures that these strategies are prepared in compliance with the City of London Code of Practice. Local Procurement Strategies are required for […]
Local Labour Procurement
What is a Local Labour Procurement ? S106 Planning Obligations often specify that a developer must procure a certain percentage of labour from the ‘local area’. WPSCC will implement procedures and mechanisms to support compliance with this obligation and also report to the Local Authority for its discharge. These can include:- Attending Careers Fairs Organising Site […]