BREEAM/ Construction Consultancy
Here at WPS Compliance Consulting we love to make a difference to our clients who need to achieve a level of BREEAM accreditation for their project. We believe that by approaching BREEAM using our unique, ‘out of box’ thinking we provide our clients with an holistic and cost effective solution.
Our BREEAM/ Construction Services
Pre-demolition audits are a requirement for meeting BREEAM Wst 01 Construction Waste Management Standard. Find out more about this BREEAM standard. To comply with BREEAM Wst 01 you may also need a Pre-refurbishment audit and a Site Waste Management Plan. Some of our clients include Dust Architects, Chronicle Partners and the McLaren Group.
Acoustic Performance
(BREEAM Hea05)
This BREEAM credit ensures that a building’s sound insulation meets the approved standard for its purpose.
Whether you are working towards BREEAM 2014 or BREEAM 2018, we can help you achieve the credits you require.
Considerate Constructors Scheme Packages (BREEAM MAN 03.3)
WPSCC guarantee to immediately increase your score for the Considerate Constructors Scheme.
Building User Guide (BUG) (BREEAM Man04.4)
A BUG is an essential part of the handover documentation for the BREEAM Man04.4 credit.
Construction Waste Management – Construction Resource Efficiency (BREEAM Wst01.1)
This BREEAM credit was originally satisfied by producing a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) for a project. However, it is now 1 element of a site Resource Management Plan (RMP).
Construction Waste Management – Diversion of resources from landfill (BREEAM Wst01.2)
1 element of a site Resource Management Plan (RMP), combining waste management with the measuring / monitoring of site impacts.
Ecological value of site and protection of ecological features (BREEAM LE02)
This credit is designed to encourage development on land that already has limited value to wildlife and to protect any existing ecological features.
Enhancing the Ecology (BREEAM LE04)
The aim of this credit is to encourage actions to be taken to enhance the ecological value of the site as a result of the development.
Long-term impact on Biodiversity (BREEAM LE05)
The LE05 (BREEAM 2014) credit previously placed focus on the contractor, requiring them to carry out a number of actions.
Material Efficiency (BREEAM Mat06)
This BREEAM Credit aims to recognise and encourage measures to optimise material efficiency in order to minimise the environmental impact of materials use and also waste predicted from the proposed construction project.
MAT03.1 Sustainable Procurement
A Sustainable Procurement Policy is required for compliance with BREEAM Mat 03 Responsible Sourcing of Materials standard.
MAT03.2 Responsible Sourcing of Materials
The MAT03.2 credit refers to the responsible sourcing of products. All timber purchased needs to be FSC or PEFC certified. All certificates need to be checked and recorded from the relevant deliveries.
Minimising impact on the existing site ecology (BREEAM LE03)
The aim of this credit is to minimise the impact of a building development on the existing site ecology.
O and M Manuals
Operation and Maintenance Manuals, together with Building User Guides, are an important part of the handover of a building to the client.
Waste Audit
An operational waste audit can help you to plan and monitor what happens to the waste generated once the new or refurbished building is in operation.
Pre-demolition Audits
Pre-demolition audits are recommended by The Institute of Civil Engineers (The ICE Demolition Protocol) and can be requested for planning requirements.
Pre-refurbishment audits
Pre-refurbishment audits involve the assessment and analysis of waste produced from the demolition element of a building refurbishment (requirement of BREEAM assessment).
Recycled Aggregates (BREEAM Wst02)
The aim of this credit is to encourage the use of recycled and secondary aggregates during a project, thereby reducing the demand for virgin material and optimising material efficiency in construction.
Reduction of
Noise Pollution
(BREEAM Pol05)
The aim of this credit is to reduce the likelihood of noise arising from fixed installations on the new development affecting nearby noise-sensitive building types (receptors).
Responsible Construction Practices – Environmental Management (BREEAM Man03.1)
An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a set of practices that documents how a principal contractor reduces their overall environmental impact and reduces waste costs.
Responsible Construction Practices – Monitoring of Construction site impacts (BREEAM Man03.4)
The aim of this credit is to recognise and encourage construction sites to be managed in an environmentally and socially considerate, responsible and accountable manner.
WPSCC resource efficiency services help reduce the impact your use of materials has on the environment.
Section 106 packages
Section 106 (s106) demands or requirements are a planning constraint. They are stated as a Planning Condition by the local planning authority when planning permission is granted.
Site Impacts - Energy, Water, Carbon, Waste (SWMP)
We provide a comprehensive Site Waste Management service, which can either be included with other consultancy services, or billed on a fixed-price basis, according to your project needs.
Site Impacts – Transportation (BREEAM Man03)
As part of the BREEAM Man03 credits requires site transport data to be recorded and analysed.
Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPs)
At WPSCC we offer a range of solutions for managing your SWMPs.
SitePlan Online Compliance Tool
SitePlan ( is an online software tool that produces comprehensive, compliant Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPs).
Training Schedules (BREEAM Man04.4)
As part of building handover, Training Schedules have to be prepared detailing which building occupants will be trained in the operation of which installed elements when.
Cant find the service you are looking for ? Give us a call
- +44 (0)1604 859961
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Recent News

BREEAM Certification and Pre-Demolition Audits – What You Need to Know
How Pre-Demolition Audits Contribute to BREEAM Ratings Pre-demolition audits have become an essential part of sustainable construction practices, helping developers, contractors, and stakeholders make informed
Recent News

BREEAM Certification and Pre-Demolition Audits – What You Need to Know
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